NATO Golf Club Annual Dinner (with Spouses)
Tue, 25 Apr
|Brabantse Golf Club Restaurant
Tempted by a Social Dinner Event? Ideas for a better NATO Golf Club? Or simply out to hang out with your golf buddies? Or to meet their better halves (Spouses certainly welcome!)?

Time & Location
25 Apr 2023, 18:30
Brabantse Golf Club Restaurant, Steenwagenstraat 11, 1820 Steenokkerzeel, Belgium
About the event
On Tuesday, 25 April 2023, 1830, we’ll meet at Brabantse Golf Club in the Restaurant for our yearly dinner event for members and spouses.
This event will coincide with our yearly Annual General Meeting, which the President and the Executive Committee will cover as the opening of the event.
The Dinner will be subsidized in part by your NATO Golf Club, so all you have to do is reserve the evening in your schedule, choose one of two menu-options on the NGC website, and pay for the event, as usual. Â The menu options, to include options for dessert, are below:
- Veal loin, asparagus, rosemary sauce and potato gratin. [Kalfslende, asperges, rozemarijnssaus en gratin aardappel]
- Sea bass, vegetable puree, white wine sauce, natural potatoes [Zeebars, Groentenpuree, witte wijn saus, natuuraardappels]
- Tiramisu with spiced biscuit [Tiramisu met speculaas]
- Dame Blanche [Dame Blanche]
As we move closer to the event, we will make the Annual Reports available to you on the NGC website, so you can familiarize yourself with the state of affairs in the NGC prior to the AGM.
Please register prior to midnight on 17 April. We need to provide numbers with menu choices to the restaurant a week in advance.Â
I sincerely hope to see you there and look forward to listening to your ideas of an even better NATO Golf Club in the seasons to follow.
Max A.L.T. Nielsen
President, NATO Golf Club