Flanders-Europe Cup
Fri, 05 Jul
|Brabantse Golf
Three-day golf tournament pitting Flemish against the rest of Europe (world, in the case of Canadian or American players?) at Brabantse Golf.

Time & Location
05 Jul 2024, 19:00 – 07 Jul 2024, 23:00
Brabantse Golf, Steenwagenstraat 11, 1820 Steenokkerzeel, Belgium
About the event
At the 31st edition of ‘Vlaanderen – Nederland’, 250 golfers joined to compete for the honor of their country, 120 BBQ lovers stayed and enjoyed a delicious meal Saturday evening. Â
This year, the format remains the same as previous years: two ‘open’ qualifying days of Single Stableford on Friday and Saturday July 5-6. On Sunday July 7th, a final shotgun will take place. Starting time at 10 AM. On Friday, we are also organizing a tournament for the Seniors 75+.
Friday evening, at 7 PM, there will be a ceremony, preceded by live music band and a conference on ‘the origin of Colf in Flanders.’
On Saturday evening, again at 7 PM, the award ceremony is scheduled, accompanied by the ‘glass of friendship’ and a culinary feast. As cherry on top, there will be a live music band and a DJ to keep the party going.
With this ‘open’ format, we aim to attract a broader audience and invite Brabantse Golf members who will defend the European stars.  Dutch, Germans, French, Spaniards, Poles, Italians, Irish, English, Scandinavians, and more, we hope to welcome you in large numbers. Bring family, friends, colleagues because the tournament is open to non-members of Brabantse Golf as well. The only requirement is a valid federation card from your country of origin. Registration for members of Brabantse Golf or holders of the Belgian federation card is done via the BE-Golf app, while foreigners can register via email or registration form on the website.
Non-Brabantse Golf members pay a Greenfee of €60. The tournament fee is €10, of which €3 will be donated to the MS Clinic in Melsbroek.
During the final on Sunday, two teams will compete, the best-placed Flemish against the best-placed Europeans.
To clearly recognize the teams, we ask the Brabant Golf members and those playing for Flanders to play in their yellow club polo or yellow polo, Europeans we would like to see come in a blue uniforme.
We hope for your massive support and participation.
The organizing committee,
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