Given the small field, we played a single stableford category. Prizes were awarded to the first and second place finishers. After 18 wet holes, three golfers were tied with 34 points. After a countback, Michel Troubetzkoy and Manu Doultremont were still tied for second place. Wendy Bashnan, our President was the winner of the President’s Cup, an outcome which has never happened before.

Rain was the common theme for President’s Cup weekend in Hardelot, France. And the above picture tells it all!! It is said, “it wouldn't be the President's Cup without the rain.” This year we added a new element from Mother Nature – heavy winds. But rain and wind don’t stop our NATO golf Club competitors. In the end, 36 holes were played by 12 hardy golfers, cheered on my family and friends. The third day, at St Omer was cancelled due to the forecast of stronger winds than Friday and more rain than Saturday!!!
The NGC Executive thanks Robert and Anne Marie Draper for their support in scheduling this fun weekend.
The weekend consisted of 18 holes at Wimereux on Friday as our warm-up event, although warmth was missing all day. Playing in teams of 3 golfers, in a Captain’s Choice scramble, four teams played in challenging, windy conditions with gusts of 100 kph. Using up to 3 of the mulligans purchased per team, captains carefully judged when to go for broke. As if the wind weren’t entertaining enough for our golfers, additional competitions were added for “closest to the line” and “closest to the pin on the second shot of a par 4”. When all was done, no one had been blown out to sea, and the teams finished in a light rain. Dinner was held La Villa in the old town of Hardelot. Winners were awarded with prizes, while enjoying a wonderful meal and excellent camaraderie. Michel Troubetzkoy won the “closest to the line, while Wendy Bashnan won closest to the pin on the second shot. The winning team of Michael Center, Robert Adams, and Michel Troubetzkoy won the scramble with a solid 76 strokes in extreme weather that was blowing balls off the greens and upsetting carts.

Moving to Saturday’s main event, the President’s Cup challenged our 12 golfers at the Hardelot Dunes course. With the wind less of an issue, golfers could focus on winning the main competition, in stableford format. The President laid on great awards to honor our tough golfers. In addition to the President’s Cup, our golfers also competed for “closest to the pin”, “longest drive” and a new addition, “most sand shots”. The rain was consistent all day. Our golfers enjoyed a refreshing and tasty break at hole #11 thanks to the leftovers from a British competition just ahead of us. Longest drive went to Michel Troubetzkoy and Acting Captain Rick Froh put it nearest to the pin. For the most sand shots, Nikki Hayes won a pair of Golden Flip Flops, for in the beach.

Golfers were treated to a wonderful happy hour Chez Draper before heading to dinner. In appreciation for all his help, the President award Robert with a six-pack of Westvleteren 12 Trappist beer.
Dinner at the Parc Hotel was superb. The staff were most accommodating, and the President treated us to a few extra goodies between courses. Long chats into the evening by a great group of people; a big welcome to our new members and huge thanks to our Executive Committee for making it a special weekend.
