Information for the 2020 Away Trip to Turkey is now on the events page of our website. This is an excellent trip. If you have not gone, you should seriously consider it.
Peter and team have done another wonderful job of organization an excellent golfing opportunity.
Please do not register on our site for this trip. Instead, see the joining instruction found on the event, and contact Peter for more information and registration.
Note from Peter:
Those who would like to join are kindly asked to let me know at their earliest convenience, but not later than 01.10.2019, as the hotel has currently guarantied the reservation only till end October 2019.
Reservations will be on a first come first serve basis, however priority will be given to this years (2019) participants.
Please be advised that reservations for t-times must be confirmed by 15th November. Any short notice cancellations after 15th November without exceptional reason may be considered as “no show” and may result in request for payment.
Please make your own arrangements for travel to and from Antalya. I shall coordinate travel between airport and hotel once arrival times are known and reported to me.
In order to keep control over the registration and help organizing the week you are kindly asked to forward your application directly to me with info to the traveling captain Rainer Fahs.
E-mail:; Tel./Fax: 02 731 8705;
GSM: 0478 365069