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2020-2021 Closing Cup Champion


The 2020-2021 Season has certainly been a challenge, between COVID restrictions and weather. However, we have held the Closing Cup Championship and crowned a new winner.

This season's closing Cup goes to Berit Nielsen. Not only did Berit have a solid round on Saturday, but has also successfully lowered her handicap over the past weeks, using our new handicap tracking system. Great work by Berit on both fronts.

Max Nielsen took 2nd place for the day. Not wanting to be left out of the trophy display at home, Max also took Closest to the Pin and Longest Drive in the male category for the day.

Brigitte was able to join us for the day, after a long break. The result? Brigitte took home LD in the female category and one of our new trophies. Great to see Brigitte out there.

Time to get the 2021-2022 Season starting. Loads of opportunity to play. Please get signed up on the website.

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