2020-2021 Season Points Standingsecretary235May 1, 20211 min readCurrent point standings for the 2020-2021 Season race for the NATO Cup.Rick Froh 5Jürgen Brötz 4Thorsten Wulff 4Berit Nielsen 3 Darryl Rupp 3Michel Troubetzkoy 3Philipp Leyde 3Max Nielsen 2Michael Center 2Tomris Briggs 2Michaela Wulff 1 Jeff DaRin 1Robert Draper 1Gijs/George van Keulen 1Beni Gonzalez-Aller 1Michael Andersen 1Jakob Brötz 1John Briggs 1Patricia Leyde 1
Current point standings for the 2020-2021 Season race for the NATO Cup.Rick Froh 5Jürgen Brötz 4Thorsten Wulff 4Berit Nielsen 3 Darryl Rupp 3Michel Troubetzkoy 3Philipp Leyde 3Max Nielsen 2Michael Center 2Tomris Briggs 2Michaela Wulff 1 Jeff DaRin 1Robert Draper 1Gijs/George van Keulen 1Beni Gonzalez-Aller 1Michael Andersen 1Jakob Brötz 1John Briggs 1Patricia Leyde 1