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A Fitting End to the 2021-2022 Season


The Closing Cup, at Pierpont, was another beautiful day of golf for the NATO Golf Club in a season that, unusually, featured more sun than rain throughout the season! Also fitting is the fact that we had a number of new members playing in the event; I believe that we had a new member playing in each of the events this year!

As you can see by the pictures, the weather was absolutely amazing, and Pierpont was in fantastic shape.

The new members joining us were Mark and Chan (center and right in the first picture above) and Josh, with his son Logan (center and right in the last picture above).

Josh had an exceptionally good day, managing to win both the Closing Cup and won the prize for Closest to the Pin as well. And the Long Drive went to Chan, so all the prizes went to new members in their first NGC Event! Lars came in second (tied with Josh, but Josh wins on countback).

This was also the closing of the season and the awarding of the NATO Cup for the member with the highest number of Season Long Points. Darryl came into the event with enough points to win, so he walks away with back-to-back NATO Cup wins.

The next season starts with our next event at Rigenee on 16 July. Everyone who participates will receive one point for the 2022-2023 season, and there will be points for the Longest Drive, and Closest to the Pin.

I hope to see you all there!

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