Wow. A chilly Belgium Saturday called for serious head gear and warm gloves. 1 degree centigrade, and later the wind picked up! So once again, a huge round of applause
to the 8 valiant and persistent golfers of the NGC, whom on Saturday, 04 December, made sure, that our dear Golf Santa will enjoy the Holidays inside and warm with our new Champions!
Logan and Josh, who made their first appearance with the NGC, landed a remarkable score of 46 points stableford (scramble), and can now call themselves Christmas Cracker Champions. A worthy welcome to our new members.

The skills prizes went af follows: Closest to the Pin on the uphill 18th hole, Darryl Rupp. Longest Drive - in a unisex LD-competition -, Berit T. Nielsen. Well done both of you!
As per tradition, an exchange of Christmas Presents took place, and it was time to call the first half of the NGC 2022-2023 Season to a close.
Please save the dates for our upcoming events of 2023, firstly the Celtic Quaich @ Golf de Falnuee, on Saturday 21st 2023, followed by the Valentine's Massacre at Golf de Pierpont, on Sunday 12th February 2023.
Warmest of greetings for the Holiday Season from the NATO Golf Club!