We held the 2019 Closing Cup on Saturday, the 9th of November at La Bawette.
Whilst we managed to stay dry, we did not stay warm. Bit of off and on sun and a great day.
We were a small group, but we had a great day. We tried a new format referred to as Las Vegas scoring. Paired up in two person teams in a match play format. This meant that each pair played their ball and added the two scores into on. So, on a par 4 if one scored a four and the other a five, they got a 45 for the hole. At end, all points were totaled up amongst the groups and the lowest number took the day.
The day went to Arvid and Rick, who scored in the 800, beating the runner up team by roughly 100 points. A good day. Their biggest challenge was deciding which one them would get the white wine and which the red.

Coming in second for the day, was myself and Bjorn. Additionally, Bjorn took the closest to pin prize.

Finally, Jeff contrary to my efforts to thwart him, took the longest drive. Over coffee that morning I thought, "how could I frustrate Jeff today?" Well, my best thought was to set up the longest drive on the short par 4, 11th. Too long and the fairway runs out. Too left and one is in the water. Too right, one might get the distance, but not be in a scoring position for the second shot? After much frowning and complaining, what does Jeff do? Pulls a hybrid, strips it right down the fairway, landing in the centre and just about as close as he could to the end of the fairway. In the end, my plan was thwarted.........

Here is Jeff on his second shot, from that winning drive.

As you can see, a lot of clothing was required, it was cold, but we were happy!!!!!