Dear NATO Golfers,
As you have seen, we are now set for a very ambitious 2021 season with potentially a NATO Golf Club event every two weeks or so. We sincerely hope, this will give all members a good chance to join us on the course, and have some fun, fresh air and exercise.
So, with all the planning complete for the coming year, all we need to do now is execute the plan.
With the intention to make sure, we do not run short of helping hands over the season, and for the purpose of sharing the insights of planning and conducting the NGC events for the future, we’d like to add an Assisting Captain to our Executive Committee. Furthermore, we’d like to safe guard ourselves with a couple of potential “Captains of the Day”, if for some reason our constant and dedicated Captain would not be available for a specific event.
Could you see yourself assisting the NATO Golf Club in this endeavour, please let us know, and we’ll be very happy to welcome you on board, and to introduce you to the happy members of our Executive Committee.
With the best of Golf Greetings
Max A.L.T. Nielsen
NATO Golf Club