It was a beautiful day at La Tournette, but unfortunately, we had a very small turnout for the Club Championship. In fact, there were more prizes than people for the competition!

For the six players competing, we had just two categories, with three players in each category. What this meant was that while you were playing, you could know exactly where you stood with regard to your category, which was an interesting dynamic.
But I will also say in the match of La Tournette against the NATO Golf Club, La Tournette certainly won! In the Category 1 group, we may have known where we stood with respect to the Category 1 champion, but it was anyone's guess who would come out on top as the Club Champion with the lowest gross score!
Ultimately, Darryl Rupp won as Club Champion, with Michael Anderson being the Category 1 Champion, with Darryl in 2nd Place, Category 1. Mike also is the new Putting Champion of the NATO Golf Club! Dirk Wilhelm continues to gather Season Long Points, coming in first for Category 2, and becoming the Category 2 Champion, with Max Nielsen in 2nd Place, Category 2. To complete the prizes, new member Ken Emerson was Closest to the Pin, and Max also won the Longest Drive.
Our next event is the Closing Cup on 19 June at Pierpont, where we will also award the NATO Cup. I hope to see you all there!