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St Valentine's Massacre at Mont Garni


While it may be said that 'only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun' near the equator, in the winter it is only Anglo Saxons (and one Belgian) who play when the temperature falls below zero and the wind blows.   From the pictures, it looks like a lovely, sunny day, and it was.  But what the pictures do not convey is the bitingly cold wind, which made it feel like -10 degrees C.  Nonetheless, seven hearty (some would say foolish) golfers gathered mid-morning in the midst of this year's cold snap, at Mont Garni Golf Club, near Mons.

Unfortunately, we played off winter tees (grass in front of the tee boxes) onto winter greens (or rather a larger than normal hole cut into the middle of the fairway, in front of the greens) - much less than ideal conditions.  But despite the cold, and meeting hunters with rifles coming up one of the fairways, undeterred, our small band persevered.  There was only one dropout for medical reasons and one who had to leave before prize-giving due to family commitments.

The winners, with an impressive score (under the circumstances) of 38 stableford points, were our new President Wendy Bashnan and Robert Draper.  In 2nd place, Nikki Hayes and Rick Froh had 32 points .  Congratulations!

All those who came out will be awarded their Winter Warfare qualifications.

1st and 2nd Place Winners


Flight 1

Flight 2

Our President enjoying the warmth of the sun

Robert finding the fairway

Almost finished

Shooting into the green

Warm at last

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