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The Celtic Quaich


Updated: Feb 12, 2020

Our 2020 Season began with this year's Celctic Quaich at Brabanste.

Turn out for our first event was excellent with many of our new members turning out. Temperatures were good for Janurary and to the delight of Jeff, rain gear was not really needed. A rare event indeed for an NGC outing. As you can see great smiles all around. This group, on the 19th hole, is exactly why we turn out.

The day provided for some very good scoring ranging from 32, 4-5 at 34, a 36 and 37 and finally, our winner at 44. Congratulations to Katrin Wien.

Winner of the Quaich

Darryl Rupp, took the longest drive. One of our newest members Philipp, too closest to the Pin. Congratulations Darryl and Philipp.

Longest Drive

Closest to Pin

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