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Club Championships for 2015


While in the past, the NATO Golf Club has had weather issues when holding the Club Championships in October, this time we got lucky. It was a perfect fall day. We were also very fortunate to receive, once again, excellent support from our sponsor ING, led by Mr Olivier Desmet the Regional Manager responsible for the NATO Branch. He was joined by the new Customer Manager at the Branch, Mr Ahmet Gumus, and one of the Private Bankers from ING Belgium Headquarters, Diego de Garcia de la Vega - who is an avid golfer and played with us. And finally a big thank you to Robert Draper, a member at Sept Fontaines who, while not able to join us on the day, helped make all the arrangements with the Club.

So without further ado, here are the results: first the skill prizes. Again, for the second year running, no one - man or woman, hit the green on the Closest to the Pin hole. The Captain has promised to find us an easier hole for next year. The winners for longest drives were Paula Stewart and EJ Herold.

Category 3 was a Stableford competition with Paula Stewart winning with 38 points. The winner for the last 2 years, EJ Herold, came in second with 32 and Jim Edge finished third with 27.

Category 2 was Stroke play. For the second year in a row, Dick Zandee was the winner with a net score of 80, followed close behind by a relatively new member, Damir Smerdilj with 83, and Rick Froh with 85.

Saving the best for last, the winner in Category 1 (also Stroke play) was Daniel Darius with a net score of 79. In second with 85 was another new member, Leif Hansson and in third, last year's Category 1 winner, Alain Klein had 87.

The NGC's Men's and Women's Champions for 2015, with the lowest gross scores, are: Sybil Beaton and Daniel Darius. You can see from the picture above that Daniel's winnings were not over. In recognition of the importance of the short game, we ask everyone to keep track of their putts on the green during the Club Championships. With only 29 putts, the NGC's Best Putter for 2015 is Daniel Darius.

ING was so generous with the prizes, we had a few extra to distribute via a Tombola, so almost everyone got something.

On a sad note, our President, EJ Herold announced that one of the founders of the NATO Golf Club, and it first President, Barry Carr passed away in Brussels on 20 October. Flowers and condolences from the Club will be sent to the family, while the Executive is looking for a suitable way to memorialize Barry in one of the Club's competitions.

Rick Froh


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