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The team spirit was high, but the golfing gods did not smile on us, for the first leg of the annual team match against SHAPE on 12 June. 8 members of the NATO Golf Club squared off against their opponents from SHAPE on a very warm (27 degrees!) afternoon at the Royal Hainaut Golf Club. Each match offered the opportunity to earn 3 points – one for the front nine, one for the back nine, and one for the overall match – with the teams playing match play on 75% of their handicap difference from the lowest handicap in the group. The final score (a 10-2 victory for SHAPE) was a bit lop-sided, but does not reflect the fact that many of the matches were actually quite close right up until the end. We will certainly have our work cut out for us on the return leg of this competition in September. Rick Froh acted as Team Captain during the event, and John Briggs stepped in as the “senior” team member to speak on behalf of the NATO squad at the team dinner afterwards.

by James Mackey

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